Thursday, June 14, 2007

Second Trimester!

I have finally made it to the second trimester! I have quit getting sick but the lack of energy is still there. My emotions are everywhere--I can't watch a movie without finding something to cry about. I eat constantly. I mainly crave salty stuff. My diet before getting pregnant was Pepsi and Reese's. Now I can't imagine having a Pepsi or eating that much chocolate! I usually fix my sweet tooth with a big bowl of sweetened cereal. I already have a bulge. It is big to me but no one really notices it yet. I can't fit my regular clothes--too small for most maternity clothes. I wear sweats when I can, weather permiting. It has been really hot out here. The sun always shines and we never get rain to really speak about. The kids love the sun though. They are always out playing. I can say that no matter what I am glad to be pregnant right now. Michael and I can't wait til December to open our present and see what we get. For now I will enjoy this moment.

3 Rescued!!:

Phae-Jae said...

That was a beautiful post!

Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

When are you going to get some belly pictures up? I'm curious how you look at this stage.