Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coloring of the Eggs!!!

This was Calvin's first year coloring eggs! It was so much fun watching him experience this tradition for the first time. He was so funny.

Melody, Mason and Caleb had fun experimenting with the colors and designing their eggs with the white crayon. Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Virginia City, Nevada

This is a headstone located in the Virginia City cemetery in Nevada. It says "My Husband". The kids and I watched a show on TV that was about the ghosts that haunt VC. So we went to check out some of the locations mentioned on the show. The kids loved it. We didn't get to experience anything paranormal. But it was fun enough just to say that we had been there.

There is lots of stuff to do in VC. We tried it all! There were people dressed up like they were from the time the town was first built. We definitely recommend everyone go check out the sights in Virginia City.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009 Goals!?

As I was talking to a friend about goals we each had for the new year I realized a few things. First Melody will be five this year which means that not only will she be a CTR 5! but that she could also start school in the fall(if I didn't homeschool). The next thing I thought was that I need to prepare Mason for his 8th birthday this year! He is getting so excited about getting baptized and joining scouts! I can't believe my second child will be getting baptized soon! Now I am starting to feel a bit old even if I am only a young pup. I was just recently called (again) to nursery. I then thought how funny I always get this calling after my child turns one! So now I realized that Calvin will be turning 18 months this year! They are growing up too fast!!! Last but not least my BIGGEST goal....Caleb will turn 12 in November! I will need to prepare him for the priesthood. I will have another priesthood holder in the house! Now it is official no matter what my age is....I FEEL OLD!!!! I love that I am getting to experience all these milestones but can't help but feel that they are going by too fast. If only this winter would go just as fast. I hate the cold. I think this year is going to be an awesome year. Here's to 2009!